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        您所在位置:首页 > 政务公开 > 专题专栏 > 优化营商环境 > 政策文件

        Notice of Beijing Municipal Commission of Housing and Urban-Rural Development on Further Clarifying the Handling Flows and Period of Joint Completion Acceptance

        Jing Jian Fa [2022] No. 136

        To all units concerned,

          To effectively implement the decisions and deployment on optimizing the business environment, continue to promote the reform of joint completion acceptance in Beijing, improve the transparency, clarity and convenience for enterprises to obtain the reform policy on joint completion acceptance, create a smooth and efficient work environment of joint completion acceptance for enterprises, increase the activeness of enterprises to apply for joint completion acceptance, as per the the Interim Procedures of Beijing Municipality for Administration of Joint Final Acceptance of Housing Construction and Municipal Infrastructure Projects (Jing Jian Fa [2020] No.10) and Provisions on Further Streamlining Joint Acceptance of Final Completion of Construction Projects (Jing Jian Fa [2021] No.363), the handling flows and period of joint completion acceptance are hereby further clarified. Relevant matters are notified as follows:

          I. Scope of Application

          This Notice shall apply to general construction projects applying for joint completion acceptance in accordance with the Interim Procedures of Beijing Municipality for Administration of Joint Final Acceptance of Housing Construction and Municipal Infrastructure Projects (Jing Jian Fa [2020] No.10).

          II. Application Acceptance

          For the project implementing joint completion acceptance, the construction units shall organize the completion acceptance or self-examination of such project. If all the results are "qualified", the construction units shall submit the application for joint completion acceptance within 5 workdays. Construction units shall fill in the application form of joint completion acceptance via Beijing Online Approval and Supervision Platform for Investment Project (hereinafter referred to as the "Online Platform", website: http://tzxm.blcxyy.com/), choosing the acceptance items involved in the project, uploading the materials including comprehensive notification commitment, project completion acceptance report (comprehensive), as-built drawings, and submitting the application for joint completion acceptance.

          After the construction unit submits the application for joint completion acceptance, each acceptance department shall conduct formal examination on the acceptance application materials according to its responsibilities, and issue acceptance opinions and conclusions of "pass", "fail" and "supplement". The handling period of acceptance shall be 3 workdays from the date of application from construction units.

          III.Examination Decisions

          The handling period of review and approval shall be determined according to the comprehensive risk level of the project. For projects of low risk and moderate risk, the handling period shall be 7 days from the acceptance date of the application, and for projects of high risk and major risk, the handling period shall be 15 days from the acceptance date of the application. The handling period of review and approval includes the time of determining on-site acceptance and conducting on-site acceptance.

          (1). Determining the time of on-site acceptance

          The competent department of housing and urban-rural development shall, within 1 day from the acceptance date of the joint completion acceptance application, determine the time of on-site acceptance with the construction units through negotiation.

          (2). Conducting on-site acceptance

          The competent department of housing and urban-rural development shall organize all the acceptance departments to conduct on-site acceptance, including substantive examination on technical documents, acceptance of project entity, and issuing the acceptance opinions and conclusions.

          The handling period of on-site acceptance shall be determined according to the comprehensive risk level of the project. For projects of low risk, the on-site acceptance shall be completed within 1 day; for projects of moderate risk, within 3 days; for projects of high risk and major risk, within 7 days.

          IV.Certificate Awarding and Delivery

          If the acceptance conclusions of all items are "pass", the joint completion acceptance of the project is passed. And the system will automatically issue the notice of opinions on passing the joint completion acceptance immediately, which can be downloaded and printed through the online platform by construction units.

          If the acceptance conclusion of any item is "fail", the joint completion acceptance of the project is not passed. And the system will automatically issue the notice of opinions on not passing the joint completion acceptance immediately, which can be checked on the online platform by construction units.

          Annex: Flow charts of joint completion acceptance of construction projects in Beijing

          Beijing Municipal Commission of Housing and Urban-Rural Development

          May 6, 2022


          Flow charts of joint completion acceptance of construction projects in Beijing


              (This document is publicly released.)     

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